Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2009 Predictions for Politics, Economics and World

The New Year is upon us and the time is ripe to get out predictions for the coming year. Soothsayer is happy to make the predictions no one else wants to talk about. Reality is something, while not tasty, is certainly better to face with an open mind than a blind eye.

This will be the year of the Ox in the Chinese Zodiac and the people will be working like one with little reward.

Today no one is sure, but we are nationalizing manufacturing sectors and naming a “Czar,” something quite common in communist nations, to run the new nationalized auto industry. The steel industry and others will follow with the government nationalizing them through ownership of their debts or actually taking over the running of their industry. Health was already on its way to nationalization as the state takes over all service and manufacturing in its domain. Somehow the march to communism is embraced by the people under a fiction that government should care for its subjects from birth to death. Slavery worked that way why not free peoples?

Change will not come with Obama, but as he said, from him. You will see him change and follow the same routes as those before him. The joke is again in those with faith in the lies from those paid to perform.

Soothsayer Visions of the Future Today

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome to Soothsayer Predictions of the Future

Welcome to Soothsayer predictions of the future. We are the blog part of the famous website and bring you advanced predictions no one else will risk.

The Soothsayer is in tune with this earth and this life. Vibrations that are all around us are ignored by most, yet Soothsayer can feel them all and let's you know what is going on in the vibrosphere.

The Soothsayer brings you scientifically accurate horoscope charting using advanced computer programs to locate the stars on your birthdate. Making accurate predictions on your horoscope for you and your mate with compatibility charting. Free daily horoscopes are available.

Soothsayer Visions of the Future Today